Design an aerated lagoon given the following data:
- Wastewater flow = 12,400 cu.m/day
- BOD5 = 300 mg/L
- Population = 70,000 people
- Detention period = 3 days
- k' = 0.015 d-1 at 20℃
- Y=0.5
- Kd = 0.07 d-1 [BOD5 basis]
- Use ideal complete-mixing model
- Lagoon is proposed to be followed by another treatment unit
Design a flow through aerated lagoon to treat a wastewater flow of 3800 cu.m per day. The treated liquid is to be held in a settling basin with a 2 day retention time before discharge. Total biological solids produced are equal to computed volatile solids divided by 0.8. Assume:
- Influent suspended solids (non biologically degraded) = 200 mg/L;
- Influent soluble BOD5 = 200 mg/L;
- Effluent suspended solids after settling = 20 mg/L;
- Kinetic coefficients:
- Y = 0.65;
- Ks = 100 mg/L;
- 𝞵max = 6.0 d-1;
- Kd = 6.07 d-1;
- Lagoon depth = 3m;
- Design mean cell retention time = 4 days
- On the basis of mean cell retention time, determine the surface area of the lagoon.
- Estimate the soluble effluent BOD5 measured at the lagoon outlet
- Estimate the concentration of biological solids produced
- Estimate the suspended solids in the lagoon effluent before settling
Design a facultative aerated lagoon to serve 40,000 people given the following data:
- Sewage flow = 180 LPCD
- Raw BOD5 = 50 g/person/day
- BOD5 should not exceed 40 mg/L in winter
- Average temperature of air in winter = 18℃
- Average temperature of air in summer = 37℃
- KL = 0.7 per day and Kd = 1.2 per day at 20℃
- Coliforms in sewage - 10^7 per 100 ml
Design a flow-through type aerated lagoon without recycling for the following data:
- Volume of wastewater to be treated = 3.0 MLD
- Influent suspended solids (non-biodegradeable) = 150 mg/L
- Effluent suspended solids = 50 mg/L
- Influent soluble BOD5 = 150 mg/L
- Effluent soluble BOD5 = 150 mg/L
- Summer air temperature = 35℃
- Winter air temperature = 25℃
- Wastewater temperature = 27℃
- Mean cell residence time (ϴc) = 3 days
- Water depth in the lagoon = 3.5m
- Elevation of plant = 600m
- Proportionality constant (f) = 0.5
- Oxygen concentration in aerated lagoon = 1.5 mg/L
- First order soluble BOD5 rate constant, Kbase e = 2.5 d-1 at 20℃
- Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids, X = 0.8 * MLSS (MLSS = Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids)
- Aeration constants α = 0.85 and β = 1.0
Temperature coefficient = 1.06
Kinetic coefficients:
Y = 0.6
K = 6.0 d-1
Ks = 90 mg/L
Kd = 0.06 d-1
Determine the aerated lagoon size and power requirements to serve 50,000 people assuming sewage generation rate = 250 LPCD, influent BOD5 = 300 mg/L and effluent BOD = 20 mg/L.
Design a facultative pond in a waste stabilization pond to treat 3.5MLD of wastewater which has a design loading of 440 kg BOD/ha-d. The design temperature is 30C.
Design a facultative pond in a waste stabilization pond to treat 3.5MLD of wastewater which has a design loading of 440 kg BOD/ha-d. The design temperature is 30C.
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