Wednesday 29 May 2019

Sludge calculation


Sewage sludge is the residual, semi-solid material that is produced as a byproduct of treatment of municipal or industrial wastewater. 

Sludge age is defined as the average time in days the suspended solids remain in the entire system. It may also be defined as the amount of time in days that bacteria are under aeration.

The BOD loading is calculated by multiplying the concentration of BOD entering the aeration tanks by the influent flow per day to the aeration tanks by the weight constant of wastewater.

The amount of microorganisms in the process consists of the mass of Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspensed Solids (MLVSS) in the online aeration tanks.

Hydraulic Retention Tank (HRT) is the amount of time in hours for wastewater to pass through the aeration tank. HRT of an aeration tank is determined by dividing the volume of the aeration tank by the flow rate through the aeration tank.

The Mean Cell Residence Time (MCRT) is the amount of time, in days, that solids or bacteria are maintained in the activated sludge process. MCRT is also known as Solids Retention Time (SRT). The MCRT of an activated sludge process is calculated by dividing mass of MLSS in the activated sludge process by the pounds of suspended solids leaving the activated sludge.

Mixed Liquor Volatile Suspended Solids (MLVSS) represents the population size of bacteria within the activated sludge process.

Sludge Volume Index (SVI) is used to measure the settling character of the mixed liquor or activated sludge.
SVI = volume of settled solids after 30 minutes / concentration of MLSS

Saturday 6 April 2019

Hydraulic models of physical streams

In the field of environmental engineering, a physical stream refers to a flowing body of water within a confined region in stream banks or in conduits. A hydraulic model is a mathematical model of a water or storm or sewer that is used to analyse the system's hydraulic behaviour. Hydraulic behaviour refers to the transportation of water through the tank and is of fundamental importance for the function of a reactor and the efficiency of the wastewater treatment process. Good hydraulic conditions are characterised by favourable conditions for high biochemical reaction rates and favourable growth rate for desirable microorganisms. Hydraulic models provide an understanding of the system.  Hydraulic behaviour deals with how water is transported and moves inside the tank. Hydraulic models are mathematical models that involve algorithms and methodologies. Hydraulic modelling softwares have user friendly and customizable Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs). A knowledge of hydraulic modeling is essential to environmental engineers. Hydraulic modeling of wastewater streams help in
  1. performance assessment and
  2. optimal planning and design. 
 Modelling is also used for planning wastewater collection systems. In the context of wastewater treatment, hydraulic models are used to predict the dynamically changing concentrations of pollutants at various points in the physical stream. The models can also be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of proposed solutions. This is achieved by testing different alternatives and using models to arrive at the best possible alternative. The modeling capabilities are used to evaluate different alternatives to decide the best course of action. The two main types of theoretical hydraulic behaviour are
  1. Plug flow reactor and
  2. Complete Mix Reactor (CMR) or Completely Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR)
The ideal plug flow reactor is charaterised by fluid particles passing through the tank and being discharged in the same sequence in which they entered. The particles remain in the tank for a time equal to the theoretical detention time. This type of flow is approximated in long tanks with high length to width ratio. These type of reactors are also known as tubular flow reactors.
  •  The flow of wastewater follows the principle of first-in first-out.
  • Particles pass through the tank in the same sequence in which they enter the tank
  • Longitudinal mixing is assumed to be almost negligible
  • Concentration of the reactant varies with time along the length of the reactor
  • Mass balance of a reactant at steady-state conditions is given by
Change in concentration of reactant due to reaction of reactant in time, dt
Change in concentration of reactant due to change in position of fluid element in time, dt
Expressing the statement mathematically
-(dc/dt) = (dX/V)
Negative sign implies decrease in reactant concentration
V - Velocity of flow through the reactor
dX - Differential change in distance along length of reactor
Integrating both sides we have

(limits Co to Ce)integral(-dc/dt) = integral (dX/V)(limits 0 to l)

Ideal complete mix occurs when the fluid particles entering the tank are immediately dispersed throughout the tank. There are no concentration gradients in the tank and the composition is equal all over the tank. Hence, the effluent from the tank has the same composition as the fluid inside the tank. This type of flow is approximated in round or square tanks if the content of the tank is uniformly and continuously distributed. Complete mix reactors are also known as Continuously-Stirred-Tank-Reactors (CSTR)
The actual hydraulic behaviour of most tanks treating wastewater lies somewhere between PFR and CSTR. Hence it is necessary to characterise the hydraulic behaviour inside each tank in order to understand the effects on the treatment process.

Two common hydraulic phenomena that occur in reactors are
  1. Short circuiting streams and
  2. Dead volume
In a 'short circuiting stream' the incoming flow or a part of the incoming flow, takes a "short cut" bypassing the reactor. With reference to wastewater treatment, this implies that a portion of the influent has a lower detention time in the reactor than the actual designed detention time resulting in lowering the efficiency of the treatment plant.
Dead zones are water volumes that are stagnant. They typically occur near the corner of a tank if the mixing is insufficient. In these zones there is no exchange with the bulk flow in the tank and the dead volume.
The performance of a reactor is influenced by its hydraulic behaviour. The hydraulic behaviour is in-turn affected by the following factors
  1. The geometric design of the reactor
  2. Shape and position of the inlet and outlet
  3. External mixers
  4. Baffles
  5. Fluid viscosity
  6. Aeration and
  7. Water flow rate
Improper design of tank can cause short circuiting of streams and dead volume. Short circuiting leads to insufficient time for completion of biodegrading reactions. Dead volume in the tank lowers the capacity of the tank.
Mixing characteristics influence the sludge settleability. Reactors with hydraulic behaviour that imitates plug-flow conditions produce better settling sludge when compared to completely mixed reactors and hence are preferred.
Mixing also has an effect on concentration of substrate available to microorganisms. This inturn affects the population of microorganisms present.
Sludge bulking refers to an excess of filamentous organisms present in sludge. These microorganisms cause the biological flocs in tne reactor to become bulky and loosely packed. Bulky flocs do not settle well and are carried over in the effluent of the settling tank.

Monday 1 April 2019

Disposal of effluents into the ocean


  • The ocean has been the ultimate sink for water-borne waste products coming from the land.
  • Waste from urban and industrial communities has been disposed off in the ocean.
  • The effluent which is a very dilute mixture of human and other waste is collected in a pipe system and carried to a central location. After treatment the effluent is discharged into the ocean.
  • The disposal is carried out by constructing a pipeline on the bed of the ocean with a diffuser.
  • The effluent that has a density close to that of fresh water, rises to the surface and entrains the surrounding salt water in the process. Hence surrounding salt water and becomes very dilute
  • Of the total pollution of marine water, disposal by land or land based discharge amounts to 44%.
  • Using oceans to dispose effluents is an example of dilute-and-disperse philosophy of waste disposal
  • Ocean dumping is a small but potentially growing part of the overall ocean pollution picture
  • Oceans will ultimately provide the most environmentally acceptable repository for limited types of man generated waste at specific sites and under specific conditions
  • A marine outfall is a pipeline that discharges industrial or municipal wastewater, stormwater, combined sewer overflows, cooling water or brine effluents from water desalination plants into the ocean. Usually this is under the water surface (submarine outfall).
  • In order to successfully dispose effluents into the ocean, the water quality should meet the objectives and requirements set by regulatory authorities
  • The environmental (physical, chemical and biological) data of the proposed site should be collected for atleast one year. This describes the undisturbed pre-discharge condition and defines the environment in which plume mixing and dispersion occur.
  • Plume behaviour is strongly affected by density stratification and currents
  • Structural engineering design requires a detailed bathymetric map, information on the wave environment and geotechnical investigation of foundation conditions.
  • Effluent quality is determined by degree of treatment. Buoyancy of the effluent relative to sea water is important to dynamics of the plume.
  • Disposal of effluents will have some effects which depend on system design.
  • The effects of ocean disposal of effluents will be muich less than the effects of other possible engineering solutions of effluent disposal to land or inland water bodies.

Sunday 31 March 2019

Diffusion and Advection


Diffusion refers to the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Diffusion is driven by a gradient in the chemical potential of the diffusing species (If one atom or one molecule is identical to another, the are said to belong to the same species). The two main types of diffusion are passive diffusion and facilitated diffusion.
Active diffusion involves the presence of an additional energy to transport a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Active diffusion is also called facilitated diffusion. Passive diffusion does not require the any additional energy to transport a substance across a membrane.

Advection is similar to convection. It refers to horizontal movement of the solute with the bulk solvent in a macroscopic sense. This includes transport of pollutants.

Diffusion and Advection in wastewater treatment
Transport processes in the environment may be divided into advection and diffusion. Advection refers to transport with the mean fluid flow. For example, if the wind is blowing toward the east, advection will carry any pollutants present in the atmosphere toward the east. Similarly, if a bag of colour is emptied into the center of a river, advection will carry the resulting colour downstream. 

  • Diffusion refers to the transport of compounds through the action of random motions.
  • Diffusion works to eliminate sharp discontinuities in concentration and results in smoother, flatter concentration profiles. 
Advective and diffusive processes can usually be considered independently.
In the example of a colour in a river, while advection moves the center of mass of the colour downstream, diffusion spreads out the concentrated colour to a larger, less concentrated region.

Saturday 30 March 2019

mass transport mathematics


  • Mass transport refers to the movement of substances from one point to another involving movement with the fluid and dispersion or diffusion. Various computer models are used to predict the fate of pollutants and their effects on the ecosystem.
  • Mass balance is a very important tool to track pollutants in the environment and for the design of a treatment component.
  • The basis for mass balance is "Law of conservation of mass"
  • Mass balance is performed over specific control volumes having well defined system boundaries
  • Control Volume (CV) is a specific region in space for which mass balance is written. It defines mass flow rates into and out of the system
  • Mass enters and exits the control volume
  • There may be an increase or decrease in the amount of mass in the control volume due to physical, chemical and or biological reactions
  • Overall mass balance between times t and t+Δt = (mass at time t) + (mass entered system between t and t+Δt) - (mass exited between t and t+Δt) + (mass generated or consumed by reaction processes between t and t+Δt)
  • Overall mass accumulation (ΔM/Δt) between times (t and t+Δt) is given by:
((mass at time t+Δt) - (mass at time t)) / Δt
(mass entered system between t and (t+Δt)) / Δt
(mass exited between t and (t+Δt)) / Δt
(mass generated or consumed by processes between t and (t+Δt)) / Δt

 As Δt approaches 0 the overall rate of mass accumulation:

(rate of mass accumulation) = (rate mass influx) - (rate mass outflux) + (rate net mass production or consumption)
dM/dt = dMin/dt - dMout/dt + dMrxn/dt
Mass accumulation term = dm/dt
Steady state:       dm/dt = 0
Unsteady state:   dm/dt not equal to zero

Rate of mass in = dm (in)/dt = Qin * Cin
Rate of mass out = dm (out)/dt = Qout * Cout

Balance for a simple constant volume CSTR:
V dc/dt = Qin * Cin - Qout * Cout

Consider a steady state mass balance on a lake only that has two rivers feeding into it and one river flowing out. Assuming that the lake is well-mixed, it behaves like a CSTR

Considering a steady-state mass balance on the lake water only:

Rivers feeding IN:
C1(in) = 0 mg/L, Q1(in) = 5000 L/min
C2(in) = 0 mg/L, Q2(in) = 1000 L/min

One river flowing OUT:
C(out), Q(out) = Q1(in) + Q2(in) = 6000 L/min

At steady-state, there is no net accumulation or depletion of water in the lake

Consider mass balance on  the polluted lake:

C1(in) = 20 mg/L                                                  C1 carries the pollutant, 'X'
Q1(in) = 5000 L/min
C2(in) = 0 mg/L
Q2(in) = 1000 L/min

C(out) = 6000 L/min
Steady state conditions imply that amount of pollutant and water that flows in the lake should be equal to the amount of pollutant and water that flows out.
Carrying out a mass balance:
C(out)*Q(out) = [C1(in) * Q1(in)] + [ C2(in)+ Q2(IN)]
C(out) * 6000 L/min = [(20 mg/L * 5000 L/min) + (0 mg/L * 1000 L/min)]
C(out) = 20 * 5000/6000 = 16.7 mg/L
This implies that the concentration of the pollutant is diluted to 
16.7 mg/L in the river flowing out

disposal into lakes and rivers

Wastewater disposal to water environments

Disposal into a lake, stream or ocean needs to take into account the ability of the receiving water to assimilate wastewater. The natural purification capacity of the environment is limited. Even when wastewater is disposed to the ocean, the area surrounding the outfall can be sufficiently polluted and the pollutants (including pathogens) can be washed towards the beaches. Nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) promote the growth of algae in the receiving water. In lakes and sensitive water environments the removal of nutrients may be required. Furthermore if the wastewater contains high levels of heavy metals and toxic chemicals, these may have to be removed before wastewater disposal. Over the years the requirement for disposal into water environments has become stricter.

Wastewater Disposal

There are three methods by which final disposal of wastewater can be accomplished. The general problem areas that are of concern in final disposal are pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, etc.), heavy metals and the presence of biologically resistant organic compounds, such as pesticides or insecticides which can find their way into water supplies. 

Surface Disposal

Generally this is disposal by irrigation. This involves spreading the wastewater over the surface of the ground, generally by irrigation ditches. There is some evaporation, but most of the wastewater soaks into the ground and supplies moisture with small amounts of fertilizing ingredients for plant life. This method is largely restricted to small volumes of wastewater from a relatively small population where land area is available and where nuisance problems will not be created. It has its best use in arid or semi-arid areas where the moisture added to the soil is of special value. If crops are cultivated on the disposal area, the growth of vegetation, often must be excluded from wastewater. Because untreated wastewater will also contain pathogenic organisms, the production of foods for human consumption which may be eaten without cooking is not desirable.

Subsurface Disposal

By this method wastewater is introduced into the ground below its surface through pits or tile fields. It is commonly used for disposal of settled wastewater from residences or institutions where there is only a limited volume of wastewater.

                                                              Disposal by Dilution

Disposal by dilution is the simple method of discharging wastewater into a surface water such as a river, lake, ocean, estuaries or wetlands. This results in the pollution of the receiving water. The degree of pollution depends on the dilution, volume and composition of the wastewater as compared to the volume and quality of the water with which it is mixed. When the volume and organic content of the wastewater is small, compared with the volume of the receiving water, the dissolved oxygen present in the receiving water is adequate to provide for aerobic decomposition of the organic solids in the wastewater so that nuisance conditions do not develop. 

Where the dissolved oxygen in the receiving water is inadequate to maintain aerobic decomposition, anaerobic decomposition takes place and putrefaction with objectionable conditions results. A volume of of wastewater that has been treated to remove or reduce this organic matter can be discharged to a natural surface water. The dissolved oxygen in the receiving water is an important factor for aerobic decomposition of organic waste.

The problems associated with this type of disposal are the effects of toxic or potentially toxic compounds found in domestic and industrial wastewater. These may involve immediate toxic effects such as heavy metals in fish and the "concentration" of certain biologically resistant compounds in the food chain. An example would be the accumulation of certain pesticides by microorganisms that are consumed by higher organisms to include fish, birds, and even man. Another environmental effect of concern due to disposal of untreated wastewater by dilution is the enrichment of receiving waters by the introduction of plant nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous. The presence of excessive amounts of these nutrients can stimulate plant and algae growth in the receiving waters.

Need for Wastewater Treatment

The problem of wastewater disposal developed with man's use of water as a vehicle for carrying away the waste products of human life. Prior to that the volume of wastes, without the water vehicle, was small and disposal was largely restricted to the individual's or family's excreta. The earliest practice was simply to leave body waste and garbage on the surface of the ground where it was gradually decayed by bacteria, mostly the saprophytic anaerobic type. This caused the production of foul odors. Later, experience showed that if these wastes were promptly buried the odors could no longer be detected. Burial of human waste is a very ancient practice and even has biblical references. The next logical step was the development of the earth privy or outhouse, a method for the disposal of excremental wastes which is still widely used.

With urbanization and the development of community water supplies and the use of water to flush or transport wastes from habitations, it became necessary to find disposal methods not only for the wastes themselves, but for the water which carried them. All of the three possible methods - irrigation, subsurface disposal and dilution - were employed.

As urban communities increased in population, with proportional increase in the volume of wastewater and in the amount of organic waste, all methods of disposal resulted in such unsatisfactory conditions that remedial measures became essential and the development of methods of treatment of wastewaters prior to ultimate disposal was started.

The objectives originally sought in wastewater treatment include :

- Protection and maintenance of sources for use as domestic water supplies.
- Prevention of disease and spread of diseases.
- Prevention of nuisance conditions.
- Maintenance of clean waters for bathing and other recreational purposes.
- Protection and maintenance of the environment. For example, maintaining natural waters for the propagation and survival of fish life.
- Conservation and protection of water for industrial and agricultural uses.
- Prevention of silting in navigable channels.

A wastewater treatment plant is designed to remove from the wastewater enough organic and inorganic solids so that it can be disposed of without contravening or affecting the objectives sought.

Treatment devices merely localize and confine these processes to a restricted, controlled, suitable area or environment and provide favorable conditions for the acceleration of the physical and biochemical reactions. The extent or degree of treatment needed varies greatly from place to place and is regulated by law. In general, the following are the determining factors :

- The character and amount of the solids carried by the wastewater, that is; BOD and suspended solids present.
- The objectives sought.
- The ability or capacity of the land (in disposal by irrigation and subsurface disposal) or the receiving water (in disposal by dilution) to handle by self-purification or dispersal the water and solids in the wastewaters.
- Legal aspects and constraints.

The degree of wastewater treatment required to satisfy the first three conditions above is variable and is highly dependent on the local conditions and needs. Simple settling or even the mere removal of floating solids by screens may be adequate for wastewaters under certain conditions, while a very high removal of suspended solids, decomposition of dissolved organic solids and destruction of pathogenic organisms may be required before discharge to a river which is used downstream as a source of public water supply.

After the disposal of the wastewater effluent from a treatment plant, there still remains in the plant the solids and water constituting the sludge which has been removed from the wastewater. This too must be disposed of safely and without nuisance.

The progress of self-purification of a stream can be measured by appropriate physical, chemical and biological laboratory tests. Similar tests are used to measure and control the progress of wastewater treatment plant processes.

The serious problem involving the disposal of wastewaters and other wastes by adequate and effective means that will eliminate nuisances and not violate the rights and welfare of individuals and communities has led to the development of laws and regulations governing such disposal.

It is presumed that in ancient times, customs slowly developed which regulated the disposal of the wastes of the individuals and of the group. As time went on, custom took on the force of law and led, over the years, to the formulation of legal regulations - first as common law and then as statutory law.


Satisfactory disposal of wastewater, whether by surface, subsurface methods or dilution, is dependent on its treatment prior to disposal. Adequate treatment is necessary to prevent contamination of receiving waters to a degree which might interfere with their best or intended use, whether it be for water supply, recreation, or any other required purpose.

Wastewater treatment consists of applying known technology to improve or upgrade the quality of a wastewater. Usually wastewater treatment will involve collecting the wastewater in a central, segregated location (the Wastewater Treatment Plant) and subjecting the wastewater to various treatment processes. Most often, since large volumes of wastewater are involved, treatment processes are carried out on continuously flowing wastewaters (continuous flow or "open" systems) rather than as "batch" or a series of periodic treatment processes in which treatment is carried out on parcels or "batches" of wastewaters. While most wastewater treatment processes are continuous flow, certain operations, such as vacuum filtration, involving as it does, storage of sludge, the addition of chemicals, filtration and removal or disposal of the treated sludge, are routinely handled as periodic batch operations.

receiving water standards


In the context of wastewater treatment, the term, 'receiving water ' is defined as a stream, river, lake, ocean or other body into which wastewater or treated effluent is discharged. The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) under the environment protection rules of 1986 in schedule VI, has set "General Standards for discharge of environmental pollutants" as effluents as given below:
  1. Colour and odour 
  2. Suspended solids not to exceed 100 mg/l
  3. Particulate size of suspended particles should pass through 850 micron IS sieve
  4. pH value should lie between 5.5 and 9
  5. Temperature should not exceed 5 C more than receiving water temperature
  6. Oil and grease should not exceed 10 mg/l
  7. Total residual chlorine should not exceed 1 mg/l
  8. Ammonical nitrogen as (N) should not exceed 50 mg/l
  9. Total kjeldahl as ammonia should not exceed 100 mg/l
  10. Free Ammonia should not exceed 5 mg/l
  11. BOD for 3 days at 27C should not exceed 30 mg/l
  12. COD should not exceed 250 mg/l
  13. Arsenic should not exceed 0.2 mg/l
  14. Mercury should not exceed 0.01 mg/l
  15. Lead should not exceed 1 mg/l
  16. Cadmium should not exceed 2 mg/l
  17. Hexavalent chromium (Cr6+) should not exceed 0.1 mg/l
  18. Copper should not exceed should not exceed 3 mg/l
  19. Zinc should not exceed 5 mg/l
  20. Selenium should not exceed 0.05 mg/l
  21. Nickel should not exceed 3 mg/l
  22. Cyanide should not exceed 0.2 mg/l
  23. Fluoride should not exceed 2.0 should not exceed 
  24. Sulphides should not exceed 2.0 mg/l
  25. Dissolved Phosphates should not exceed 5.0 mg/l
  26. Phenoile compounds should not exceed 1 mg/l
  27. Radioactive materials
    1. Alpha emitter should not exceed  10^-7 mg/l
    2. Beta emitter should not exceed 10^-6 mg/l
  28. Manganese should not exceed 2 mg/l
  29. Iron should not exceed 3 mg/l
  30. Vanadium should not exceed 0.2 mg/l
  31. Nitrate Nitrogen should not exceed 10 mg/l